If you have chronic stomach problems or IBS support The Digestion program is for you.

Many of our clients have balloon-like bloating, stomach pain, abnormal bowel flow, and often complain of food sitting like a rock.

Sound familiar? The key to breaking this nasty cycle is to lessen the inflammation in the gut. Inflammation can be driven by the wrong foods, the wrong bacteria or a combination of both.


  • Yes, people who have chronic stomach problems often have multiple food sensitivities, experience fatigue, and nausea. The key to breaking this nasty cycle is rebalance the gut flora. We help your body to recalibrate using the 4 key principles of decreasing inflammation.

    Even if you’ve seen a gastroenterologist, got the proper imaging (colonoscopy, endoscopy, HIDA scan), but everything is coming back normal, there is still lots more you can do! Functional gut testing combined with PCR technology makes all the difference in uncovering core problems.

  • Our Digestion and Gut program gets massive results because we work aggressively to lower key inflammation markers, treat the slow digestion, rebalance the ‘leaky gut’ and lessen the impact of food allergies.

    Most clients work with me for 6-12 months to lower inflammation.

    Even with a panel full of reactants, you have to treat the entire gut, NOT just removing foods. Removing foods out of the diet is only 40% effective for long term success. That’s why most SCD and FODMAPS diets don’t fix the underlying problem

    View sample Diagnostics Report

  • Each of my clients receives an individualized program. We meet initially to get clinical data that will identify the root of your problem. At your second visit, I tailor your treatment strategy and once you begin your core program we make changes monthly based upon your progress.

    This program supports you if you have the following symptoms/ diagnosis:

    Bloating, Gas, Noisy gurgling stomach, Pain, Acid reflux, Nausea, Irregular Bowels, Constipation or Diarrhea, Colitis (Ulcerative or Crohn’s) Leaky gut, SIBO etc.

  • Yes even if you’ve tried a bunch of different restrictive diets like AIP, SCD, Keto and the Mono-diet. I help you find the right foods for your body right now, based on your test results, not a theory

    Absolutely! Because we’re getting straight up objective data in the first week on your gut function, there is no guessing or need for the annoying elimination diet that takes forever.

  • Your first visit covers 2 appointments!

    At this first consult, we'll discuss your medical history in detail, define your health goals and get clarity on the diagnostics needed to get to the core of your issue. At the end of this visit, you’ll walk away with action steps and everything you need to get started on your digestion program.

  • 100% YES, you can return back to eating normally and not having your life and (social life) so restricted by your diet. If there is truly a food sensitivity, we’ll uncover that and teach you how to find substitutions

    Even if you’ve been dealing with these issues for YEARS and you’ve seen other doctors without success, we can help you.

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